5 Card Stud Poker became popular after Steve McQueen played the game in the 1965 movie 'The Cincinnati Kid'. Launch your online poker career by mastering 5 card stud. Mar 06, 2019 When it comes to poker, stud poker is a purely American game first played in the 1860s. Not many know why five card stud poker was called as such. Many assume that poker is simply poker. The Five Card Stud Poker allegedly got its name when it.

A few tips on what to do and what not to do while playing 5 Card Stud Poker will be of great help to beginners. While understanding the rules of 5 Card Stud Poker is fairly easy, learning the strategies and figuring out how to implement them is always difficult. To become a successful 5 Card Stud Poker player, one needs plenty of time and patience and should be willing to spend long hours practising how to implement strategies.
- Players should not raise if they have a weak hand
Until and unless players are absolutely sure that they have a superior hand, which will lead them all the way to the pot, they must never raise more than twice. Under these circumstances, bluffing is of no use because players who have raised many times have a good hand and are determined to play it till the end. There is a danger that an opponent might re-raise, making the game more expensive than ever. If players are willing to play an expensive game, they must make sure that they have a really good hand. - Players should not play if they lack confidence
Smart opponents can mercilessly use your lack of confidence against you and to their best advantage. First, players should determine the strengths and weaknesses of their opponents. If the opponent is very strong, players should play with great conviction and self-confidence. The game should move so quickly that the strong opponent must not suspect anything is amiss. One can afford to go a bit slow with weak opponents, bluffing a little and playing a good hand.This is a good strategy because strong opponents tend to fold if made to feel that they do not have a good enough hand. Weak opponents, on the contrary, continue playing with a bad hand and do not really care much about the money they lose.
Watch the follow video to get tip on how to play 5 Card Stud Poker
This video has been provided by Howcast
Poker 5 Card Stud Rules
- Never play a weak hand
While it is fine to try one’s luck with a weak hand while playing no-limit stud games, weak hands must be folded as quickly as possible while playing pot-limit stud games. Players who make small bets on weak hands stand to lose a lot of money because their opponents, who have far superior hands, will not quit and will ultimately win the pot. - Never play without knowing the rules
Impossible though this may sound, a large number of players play 5 Card Stud Poker without first understanding its rules. The best 5 Card Stud strategy is to understand the rules first and then practice the game in the fun mode before trying to wager real money on it. This will give players a better understanding of how to implement the strategies of the game better. - Never stop learning
Many players come to the conclusion that there is nothing more to learn about the game once they have understood its rules and mastered a few of its strategies. But this is far from true. Plenty of books have been written about 5 Card Stud Poker; besides, there is plenty of information available online, giving players the chance to learn 5 Card Stud tips, strategies, and secrets for free. Besides, a number of blogs and articles have been written by talented professional poker players. - Never play a hand without studying its value
Before playing a particular hand, players must study and analyse each card and how it can help them win the pot. This will put them in a better position to make wise decisions. In other words, never rush through a game of 5 Card Stud, but play it patiently and wisely. - Never play under the influence of alcohol
Players need to be in alert mode while playing 5 Card Stud Poker. They need to stay calm and focus on the game so that they can successfully track live cards. If they fail to keep track of the live cards, they will not be able to create a winning hand and will lose a number of chips. - Never play only face-up cards
Opponents always have an advantage over players who play only their face-up cards. Players should take all their cards into consideration while playing a hand. If they play only face-up cards, opponents can easily predict their moves and gain advantage over them.
Further Articles
5 Stud Poker Free Play
- Easy Guide to Learning 5 Card Stud Poker