Blackjack Guardians Of The Galaxy

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Lylla stayed in Rocket arms for a few more seconds, treasuring the feeling of hugging her Best, her lover once more before separating.

'What brings you here Rocky?' Lylla asked

Rocket gestured to the Guardians in Blackjack's speeder, Lylla took a look and smiled 'Friends of yours?'

'Yeah...we need some place to stay, eat and wash up'

'You do realize that this is your home too right?' Lylla giggled

'Yes,yes but I wanted to make sure you were comfortable with the idea of me bringing guests' Rocket replied

Guardians Of Galaxy 2 Free

'I'm with it! Besides...O'hare here comes here to stay every once in a while' Lylla said

'So welcome home Rocky and bring your friends in too' Lylla said as she walked inside with Rocket. Blackjack signaled the Guardians to come on in, they dismounted and entered the house in awe again as it was massive on the inside. The ground floor alone had at least 3 chandeliers, there were two beautifully carved wooden and polished staircases which led to the upper floors.

The ground was covered in a lavish carpet decorated in murals of bright green leafs in a red background that rolled over the entire ground floor, the walls were decorated with elegant wallpapers with unknown but beautiful designs. Furniture was everywhere, in the ground floor Quill spotted at least 6 long chairs (Red and Yellow), 4 coffee tables (Made of polished oak wood), porcelain vases with designs oddly similar to that of the Ancient Greeks of Earth.

The curtains were lined with gold with white being the primary color, Quill spotted what he thought was a grand Piano in the corner of the Ground floor and for the final touch...a gold table in the middle of the Ground floor that contained the most adorable, beautiful, sweet scented, elegant and magnificent flowers in a rather huge vase that looked like it was made out of silver and bore the same Ancient Greek design as all the others. The lowers were a mix as some were dark blue, some were Rose Red others were pink and some were a mix of colors.

Quill tried to speak but only one word escaped his mouth 'Wow...'

'Impressive!' Gamora remarked

'This looks fit for a king' Drax remarked

'How'd Rocket even get this?!' Quill asked and Blackjack replied 'It was a gift from a mayor from a nearby town, to express his gratitude to Rocket and his team of three, including himself, for saving not only his daughters life but for also saving the town from obliteration'

Then a female voice called out 'Hello there'. It was almost hypnotizing, even Drax fell victim to the allure of this females voice. They turned and found a gorgeous and sexy female otter standing in front of them in a blue dress.

'Hi there!' Quill said happily as he extended his hand and shook the otters delicate hand.

'Hello, I'm one of three that owns this house. I'm sure that you've met my Rocket already.'

'My Rocket?' Quill thought and then he responded 'Why yes, he's a friend of ours and a valued team-mate'

'That's great! Oh! where are my manners, my name is Lylla and you are...?'

'Peter Quill, also know as Star-lord' Quill stated

'Star-Lord! That's a very nice alias and who are your other friends Quill, can I call you Quill?' Lylla asked

'yeah sure.' Before Quill could begin, Drax already started to introduce himself

'Hello there miss Lylla, my name is's a pleasure to meet one of Rocket's closest friends'

Lylla giggled as she blushed as well after being called Rocket's closest friend ' The pleasure's all mine Drax, and's Lylla'

'Right then' Quill interrupted as he pointed to Gamora ' That's Gamora and the big tree guy over here is...'

Lylla looked at Groot and smiled 'Groot! hey there! It's been too long'

'I am Groot' ( It has been hasn't it?)

'Oh! So you know Groot then?' Quill asked

'Why yes, he's a valued friend to me and Rocket'.

Rocket's voice called out to Lylla and she looked back and found him leaning on the wall looking sexy as usual, the expression that he made made her blush and giggle softly.

'Ah! Rocket...there you are' said Quill

'Yeah, I just wanted to see this place again...' he responded

'Man, you owe us one hell of an explanation..' Quill smiled as he shut his eyes and crossed his arms

Rocket wanted to answer but Lylla was faster 'And I'm sure you will Rocket at dinner, but now...' she said as she moved towards him and placed an arm on his shoulder 'Now, you need a shower. And as much as I love you Rocket and you know how much I do, you'd look better without the oil stains on your fur dearest' Lylla smiled

Quill was shocked to her call Rocket dearest but even more surprisingly, she told him that she loved him.

'Do I really look that bad?' Rocket asked as he inspected himself, sniffing his fur.

Lylla laughed and playfully shoved him 'Just go already!'

'Right, right!' Rocket chuckled as he went upstairs to take a shower.

He went up the stairs up to his room at the top floor, on his way he met Ranger...his older brother. Ranger spotted his little brother and ran towards him and hugged him


'Hey there big brother!' Rocket sighed as he hugged Ranger

'How've you been?' Ranger asked, then he noticed the oil stains on his fur and grinned 'You've looked better'

Rocket replied to both 'Ok,one, I'm fine're you? and two...I know I'm going to take my bath now'

'I'm fine little one' Ranger replied as he stared at his brother.

In the far reaches of the galaxy lies a planet that isn't charted on any map. Resting deep in the Keystone Quadrant, this planet was known as Half-World, named as such by its residents for how the planet was literally split in half between two races: the machines, and the animals.

The robots were a product of scientists, made to take care of the sick and mentally insane of the planet's original inhabitants. When most of the population left to go populate another planet, the robots grew tired of their menial existence and decided to create their own work force. Through inhumane means the machines experimented on the animals of this planet, giving them sentience and the ability to walk upright. When all was said and done, the animals were left to take care of the sick, with the machines leaving to populate the other half of the planet.

The animals were not satisfied with their place in life, however, and soon started their own society. When war inevitably broke out between the animals and machines, it was their spirit and determination that gave the animals an edge over their metallic adversaries, and none were braver than Rocket Raccoon, once security officer, now the face of the war. When all was said and done, the Half-Worlders rebuilt their society, with the four most important animals being put in charge: Lady Lylla, Rocket Raccoon, Wal-Rus, and Blackjack O'Hare.

As their society advanced, the animals decided to explore the stars for themselves and built a space ship from what notes the original inhabitants of the planet left behind. Rocket himself volunteered to be the one to go on this mission, but it would not go as planned…


'Are you sure you want to do this?' Lylla asked in concern.

'Relax Ly, I'll be back home before you know it,' Rocket said, checking all of the diagnostics of the space ship.

Guardians of the galaxy online

'How's it looking up there, Rocky?' Wal-Rus asked, using his Swiss army knife-like tusks to work on the mechanics of the ship.

'Doing great Wal!' Rocket replied. 'We're almost ready to go.'

'Just make sure you be careful out there,' Lylla said, giving the raccoon a kiss on the cheek before getting out of the ship.

'I will,' the raccoon said.

As the preparations started for launch, Rocket prepared himself for what was about to happen. In order to keep Half-World's secrets from others, Rocket would have to be temporarily wiped of that information, with it being returned to him when he got back. The only thing he would remember would be the location of the planet, that's it.

As Lylla watched, she could feel her heart ache. He would only be gone for a month, but losing Rocket for even that small amount of time would be devastating to her.

'Why don't you join him?' Wal-Rus said, surprising the otter.

'Do you mean it?' Lylla asked.

'You don't think we made the rocket to carry two people for no reason, do you?' The walrus laughed. 'I know the two of you would run off together someday. Just remember where your home is, okay?'

'Thank you, uncle,' Lylla replied, tears in her eyes as she hugged him goodbye. She swiftly ran up the loading ramp just as it was about to close.

'So, you decided to come, eh?' Rocket asked as Lylla approached the cockpit.

'You knew I would do this, didn't you?' she asked, playfully punching the raccoon on the shoulder.

'I figured you would. Now strap in, it's going to be a bumpy ride,' Rocket commanded.

As the space ship blasted off into space, the memory wiping system activated as Rocket started up the warp drive. Just as the system was about to start, however, a video on the monitor started to play with Blackjack O'Hare on screen.

'Hello Rocket. If you're seeing this that means you activated the memory wiping program. Unfortunately for you, I… ahem, 'altered' the program to fit my own needs. You see, Lylla loves you very, very much, and I can't have you hogging all of her affection. So I decided to tamper with the memory program so that instead of you just forgetting the key details, your whole history will be erased and replaced by a new one I fabricated so you will never come back to Half-World. I would say it was nice knowing you, but it really wasn't.'

As the transmission ended, Rocket angrily smashed in the monitor. 'Blackjack you flarking backstabber!'

'Rocket, what do we do now? It's too late to turn back,' Lylla said.

'Ly, the best we can do now is enjoy our memories while they last,' the raccoon replied.

And thus, as the warp drive activated and the memory wiping system turned on, Rocket and Lylla shared one last kiss as the world as they knew it faded to white.


Back on Half-World, Blackjack had primed himself for some one-on-one time with Lylla. 'Oh Lady Lylla, where are you?' he called, entering her home.

'She's not here,' Wal-Rus replied.

'Oh, is she out sending Rocket off?' the rabbit asked.

'You should have been there, you know,' the walrus scolded. 'Anyway, Lylla left to go with Rocket. You know how the two are, always running of together.'

Blackjack's face seemed to falter for a second. 'And… you let her go with him?'

'Well of course! I won't get in the way of their love,' Wal-Rus replied.

'Excuse me for a moment,' the rabbit said, stepping out of the room. When he got outside, there was only one thing he wanted to scream.



When the space ship crash landed on the planet known as Knowhere, the head of a dead celestial, Rocket and Lylla quickly got out the wreckage, their clothes in tatters and their memories altered drastically. No longer did they see themselves as saviors of their people; now they saw themselves as escapees of inhumane science experiments, just barely getting out of there while taking the whole facility down.

'Rocket, we made it!' Lylla exclaimed, pulling the raccoon in for a hug.

Though he was still drowsy from the memory altercation, and he was more averse to physical affection because of those false memories, Rocket accepted the gesture as he pulled her close, watching as those living on Knowhere started to gather around.

'We sure did, Lylla,' he replied, 'we sure did.'

Author's Note

Welcome, true believers, to Half-Worlders of the Galaxy! This is an alternate retelling of the Guardians of the Galaxy, where Rocket is paired up with his mate Lylla from the comics.

Interestingly, Lylla is referenced in the first Guardians movie during the prison scene. To find it, pause the movie when Rocket is getting his mugshot taken by the Nova Corps.

Leave a review for what you want to see in this story before Rocket and Lylla meet the rest of the Guardians.

Finally, Question of the Chapter: What songs do you think could be the themes for Rocket and Lylla.