Slot Games Six Gun Shootout

  1. Six Guns Game Download

This page contains Cheats for Six Guns organized by sections for Android. This game has 'Adventure' as genre, made by Gameloft, released on Dec 5, 2011. If you can't find a hint or secret in our list, then please check this page periodically for the latest updates.

Boxshot & Details
  • Developer: Gameloft
  • Publisher: Gameloft
  • Genre: Adventure
  • Release: Dec 5, 2011
  • ESRB: Not Set

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How to get a consecrator

When you see the consecrator in the store it will say that you will need to complete the the storyline to get it. But there is another way. First you need to raise 10,000 coins. You can use the lottery glitch for that. Then start the game in single player, the click pause and then main menu. Sometimes there will be an offer to to get an item for a discount. Keep doing that until and offer pops up to get a consecrator for 10,000 bucks.

Last confederate coin

The last confederate is at the Abandoned train station on the left side of on a barrel.

Fort Malanoche Missions - saves your health

As soon as this mission starts run to the middle room where the stairs are. This gives you protection from above and the sides. You can pick off all the enemies from safe cover.

Outlaw camp Missions


This one is simple and I am sure everyone knows this but take cover behind the block wall right in front of you and pick off the enemies as they run out.

Red Plains Missions

Easy at first but as the enemies get stronger you need to take cover. Run to the outside of the Biggest circle and take cover behind a tall rock wall. Pick off the enemies when they come around the corners.

Target shooting Missions on horseback

Ok these missions get long and annoying but choosing the right weapon really makes the difference. Watch the boring beginning and it will show you how the targets are clustered. If grouped in 4's use your shotgun. If singles use your fastest pistol. (Law Maker Revolver seems to be the fastest.

Carnival game @ Las Brujas

Shotgun will allow you to breeze through these missions hitting multiple targets at once.

Fort Ghost Missions

If you don't already know take the high ground. Pick off the enemies as they enter the fort. The flying demons are the worst in this one. They get stronger as the missions go on.

Cemetery Catacombs

Ok, this really isn't a cheat, but it may help those that are having problems with the glitch in Rounds 7, 14, 21 etc where the spikes dont drop after killing the demons & gargoyle. What i've done (and it's worked every time for me) is when you get to the last gargoyle (before the spikes), run past the gargoyle and demons into the next room spawning more enemies. Then turn around and run back to the gargoyle shooting & destroying it. Then run back into the other room (advancing on the map) and kill everyone there. The spikes drop every time i've done this...
Best of luck until GL puts out a patch!

Rescue Missions

In the ranch rescue missions a trick to find which room the prisoners are in is to go through the outsides of the rooms. When you walk by a cell a demon will roar and a girl will scream. This lets you find where the prisoners are without having to kill everyone.

Demons missions tricks

Use sniper aim (zoom) even the demons r close to u they cant able to reduce ur health try it and it definitely works :)

Rapid Fire shooting with rifle

When using any of the rifles, you can trick the game in to giving you a rapid fire sequence.
1 - pick a rifle
2 - load up on ammo
3 - turn on Auto Aim ( not necessary but makes it easier to hit targets
4 - when a monster or other target comes in to range, hold down shooting icon and the rapidly tap on the zoom imicon.
For some reason the gun fires much faster and with greater hit accuracy. I can kill monsters in 1/3 of the time, even the wolf man.

How to win survival missions easily and shooting faster

Since you are invincible while scoping using a sniper rifle, just bring a sniper rifle, scope in, and wait for the timer to expire while the enemies can't hurt you...
By the way, the shooting fast trick applies to all weapons I think. You just need to hold the attack button and then mash the aim button and you will shoot way faster. The only downside to this is that you are standing still while shooting so you better kill whatever is in front of you fast. :>

Fort Ghost - Taking out the big guy

After a while you figure out the timing for each wave and where they will enter. There is a low wall a few yards back from the west entrance. If you crouch here when the big werewolf thing comes in, and use the revolver sniper, you can take him out pretty fast with quick repeated shots. I recommend the Dual Pistols for this mission other than taking out the big guy.

How to survive in aspa hill

Hide in the rock that has a crack in the middle and stay there until the time runs out, ignore the enemies that can't hit you and focus on the enemies that can hit you like the female assassin. If you know the bug that makes your rifle shoot fast then you have a better chance of surviving the mission.

Easily completing williamsons ranch missions

After freeing the prisoners. Collect both the prisoners in 1 room, then walk sticking thru d side wall.d ladies won't be able 2 follow u. kill all d enemies deny cum back to d ladies..n take dem away vd no tention of demons.

Gun shootout game

Last dream catcher in AZ

At Fort Malanoche and stay on the perimeter of the compound and go back on the southern corner and go out a ways by the tree. When you look back at the compound look up at the roof that is partially missing and you will see it. Best if you use a sniper rifle.

Defeating Demons Easily

Upgrading youre shotguns fire rate, clip size, and reload time makes the game 10000 times more easy with my shotgun upgraded i use it more than my dual guns.

The hardest confederate dollar to found

A coin is put under the first tree at the back of the building near fort Malaboche. Go around the building start to found the nearest tree when your at the back of the building. South east direction

Dream catcher hanging in the house

I was searching for dream catcher's in oregon and found one which is hard to find for some people. It was hanging insight a very small house near the florist. search all the small horses over their you may also find a chicken god tatum.

30 seconds random box wait

If you have the new version of six guns you may know is a type of bingo challenge that you shoot frames and gain rewards.Well to open the free chest in about every 30 seconds you have to go on settings put the day 1 day after the date you are and ready. no more waiting 24 hours to open the free chest!

Easy fort ghost win

On the nosferatu run around and go on the second level of the fort. On the boss wolf thing stay on the stairs and it can't hit you. On the witch take cover on second level they can't hit you even if they shoot right at you. Always just keep running around in circles.

Lottery: Chest Bullet Tips

Well most of you should already knew this by now but well... this might be useful for others
Simply put... It cost me 40 stars to get Swarm Gun and Crusificator... and full upgrade Swarm gun... and 2 days of my grinding steps below for stars and luck...
1. Lottery: Free Chest Bullet It's daily free and the game only record as Current date/time +1 so it will check and counting.
Tips: Change the date to next day....go back to game and the lottery will be free again... keep grinding for Stars... If you're lucky there's 1 stars to 5 Stars for you, if not then there's high chance to get loads of elixirs
2. Lottery: Gold Chest Bullet It cost 20 stars, I know... but at this price you can get Swarm Gun, Crusificator, Scythe and several best weapons and armors.... without spending real money. Although I jailbreak my device I can't get to any working hacked save_common with loads of stars at the moment. So this is my tips Tools: you need iExplorer to copy save file and back up. there's no need to jailbreak to use it and this tips.

  • Save up 20 Stars (from Daily Free Bullet Chest tips or Leveling )
  • Use iExplorer to go to Sixguns > Documents folder
  • Copy it to PC and another to another PC location for back up
  • Go to Gold Bullet Chest and click away!
  • Enter Lottery page, if you don't see weapon of your choice.... close the app and close the app running in task (iPhone), if you do this it count as you didn't lose the 20 stars at all. This is important! so you can choose the lottery session with the gun that you really want to get.
  • If you see the gun of your choice proceed the lottery. If you fail to get what you want proceed to next steps.
  • If you didn't well sorry.... keep trying. Close the app from app tray.
  • Switch back to PC , iExplorer and drag Document folder that you back up to replace the one in iPhone (iExplorer) this will bring you to the point of having 20 stars again.
  • Repeat ... Step 5. to 8. until you get what you want.

Doing these 2 tips for 2 days..... I get over 60+ stars to use for >> Swarm Guns fully upgrades and Crusificator... Actually I want to get Swarm Gun + Flamethrower but it seems almost impossible to get Flamethrower...
by the way if you're wonder about my coins... I simply hacked... Stars is too hard that's why I resort to this tips. Hope it prove useful to you all.

To survive at dead oak ambush

You must have a sniper any kinds of snipers. Take cover at the blocked and use the sniper at sniper mode. Do not shoot look at the enemies if they do not shoot you. If they are shooting stay at the block at sniper mode until time runs out. Assasins can't take you damage because you are at sniper mode. You are INVINCIBLE!

Human Larder mission tricks

When you come to cells, go near one cell and wait for demons to come. Kill them. Then go near second cell and wait for demons to come and kill them. When you killed all demons, open both cells. TIP: When escorting prisoners, DON'T USE ANY SHOTGUN because prisoners can be hit too. And also when escorting prisoners, try to manually aim demons, because auto-aim can aim prisoners.

Weakness in demons

When you shoot at a demon, most of the time it will duck its head down. If you have a faster firing weapon, this is an easy critical hit because their head is right in the middle of their body. If you have a slower shooting weapon, upgrade the fire rate of it in the shop.

Stranger - Mission 2 - Magic Herbs

A great tip to use instead of walking is using the road signs. It helps a lot, and makes the mission much faster and easier. Also, use a fully upgraded dragon revolver in this mission. It helped me a lot.

Almost infinite money

When you get to level 10 go to the mysterious stranger mission and complete it all the way until the magic herbs. After you arrive at witch hack, the part where you are attacked by witches, follow the flashing orange and red path on your map until you reach the bend in the road. Then turn around and start shootin. There will be infinite witches and you can keep shooting them for infinite money.

Reppel the attack

Ok so this quest is in the new version of six guns when the game starts 3 outlaws will appear then if you want to get free exp and free coins end the game then the 3 outlaws dies then shoot at the the body of the outlaw it will sort of revive then shoot but the outlaw will just stand straight then after you killed the outlaw kill the other 2 (this only works once unless you did the same procedure above)

The gates of hell

If there is an undead cowboy appeared that is very good news but when the cowboy is aiming at you go behind In a nosferatu or a witch if possible (the undead cowboy rarely hit the witch since its floating ) Now when the cowboy hit the nosferatu, the nosferatu will attack the undead cowboy instead of you but the bad news is it doesn't has damage except for the witch or the (maybe) werewolf or the (or also maybe) the female assassin so when the demons are attacking the undead cowboy just watch the show in a safe spot then kill who was left. If you got lucky and there are 2 undead cowboys they will kill each other just make sure you don't go near them or shoot them because when you shoot them they will attack you again that will also happen if you go neat them . By the way you gotta be fast if your behind the demon so that they don't hurt you.

Unlimited Gold and XP

To do this, you need to be in Arizona, need to have a sniper, and good sniping skills. Once you are in the appropriate level, (don't know which one it is,) you will find a quest called 'The Outlaw Hunter.' The map icon for it is a sniper scope. You will find it in the bottom of the map. You keep fighting the Outlaws and you get more money. I chose this because you get payed good money and XP. I myself have reached up to 750 gold. Hope it helps. :)

The game of fort malanoche

This is one of the new missions of the new version of sixguns, as the mission starts run to wall on the left and shoot down outlaws who come at you then shoot down the snipers on the roof, when the confederate soldier throws a grenade at you pick it up and keep doing this over and over until he jumps down from his covering spot, once he is in the open take cover again and wait till he reloads his gatling gun, then shoot him with your strongest gun and dont give him a chance to reload his gun, if he finish reloading his gun wait for him to reload again and pummel him down.

Easy Money

During Horesback target missions get out of your horse and shoot the targets but dont finish the mission and wait for the time to expire when youre done shooting and then do it again as long as you like.

Get more money

Each time u play at fort ghost the waves increase and the money increase of each wave so keep playing until u reach the past wave kill all the monster but only leave one the. Quit the mission and come back to play it again and on last wave quit as u did before and so on and on.

Finding The Beast

Hey guys want to find the beast

  • When u finish the bandit map piece when you get the hidden treasure thats the place where the beast will be found.
  • You need to shoot the pikachu a look a like for 1-3 shots i guess i just shoot the beast like 1 shot my weapon is witch impaler.
  • Then when you killed it you will have a achievement.

Witch Impaler Ammo

As many of you know the witch impaler ammo is a star. To gain a star you can click the star area and then when it shows the prices, down left it says click to receive free star and you usually have to watch a video to get one. The maximum amount you can get is 2-3 a day. That's how I get my ammo and my witch hunter pants and boots.

Stand on your horse

While riding get off your horse but quickly get back on to trigger this. NOTE: this might crash the game

Coward Mac millionaire

On the second mission your task is to hunt down the first gang member, coward mac, which is located near the lake, after taking out the outlaws and the gang member demons will start comming out of portals that the female assassin's have created and the exorcist will suddenly appear as well. Take out two portals and leave one behind and kill every demon that comes at you, keep this up and you will earn more money and xp while doing this, and if the demons come at you in herd, let you companion take care of them and pick em off while he gets there attention, i reach lvl 31 and got 6,565 while doing this, try it.

Get lots of coins and xp

Go to jama-jama in Arizona near the aspa hill. The mission will start with 35coins and 30xp, but as you keep playing, you will reach missions with 300coins and 290 xp. Play the game as much times as you can, its an easy mission and when i reached mission # 25, i've already got like +7000coins and i reached level 15 by only playing jama-jama more-less 25-30times

How to Get money fast and effective

  • 1. If ur a beginner buy Morgan horse and then mechanical horse. Morgan horse will u Get to mission 30, atleast. With mechanical horse its very very easy to win and the prise are very good about 850 or something in Arizona . And When u are on the final mission u can just go on and on, a very good way to Get high money. Bit the sad part is that u Get very high xp so i wouldnt recomend to do the final mission so much... The horse mission is the easiest way ithink to Get high money.
  • 2. A also good way to Get high money is the sniper missions, in Oregon and Arizona. In in Arizona u can Get up to 750 or something its a very easy way to Get fast and high money.
  • This isnt as easy as the horse-missions but with sniper skills u will Able to Get high money:)
  • Thats it i dont wanna write more xD

Easy Fort ghost wins

When in a fort ghost mission, before the 1st wave comes, go to the stairs on the left side in the inside of the building. Go to the top, on the wooden platform. The top is safer than any other part of the building. When no monsters are coming up the stairs, quickly run down the stairs, then back up, only a few enimies will come up after you. You can also run arround the platform, so you can shoot down at the monsters. If you follow these instructions, you can complete ft.ghost with 100% life, not a scratch.

How to have all weapons priced in stars

Keep playing the game until you have enough money to buy the English blood horse.
Ater that keep on racing in Oregon until your money reaches 50 000 and buy the black steam horse.after that go to Arizona and keep on racing until your coins reach the amount you want them to reach.If you succeed doing this you can buy anything priced in coins.
P.S If your money reaches 150 000 and you want to buy a heavy weapon the wise choice would be flack cannon/ witch impaler.

Getting a lot of money and experience

If you have a long-ranged powerful weapon like a longshot repeater 1887 or an upgraded revolver sniper rifle, you just need to keep doing the outlaw camp quest. After a few missions, you will find that you are earning close to 1000 coins per mission.

Getting the generator key

When you fight the mechanical nosferatu (nightwalkers), do not meet them head on or they will kill you very fast. Instead, what I did was use evasive tactics, using a longshot 1887 rifle, running away from them. Once I got away from them, I shot them and repeated the process.

If you have 10 bucks you can get an epic weapon

If you look in the store you can see the boiler blasters they say lottery under them but if you look in the store in multi player it will say 55 stars they are incredible guns.

Get 10000xp in 10 seconds

Its a long topic but when u will do it practically it will b very small & 100% working: As u will get ur first free lottery after finishing ur tutorial. Open ur free lottery & get ur prize after that u will get free bronze lottery only for a single time but u can get it again and again but unfortunately u will only get 10000xp in that. But it's good if u will get those xp in free just follow these steps:

  • As u will open ur first free bronze lottery as a tip after completing tutorial then shoot ur targeted lottery and then a dialogue box will show < you won this> press ok then another dialogue box show <<playing the lottery... better prizes>> never ever press ok on that..
  • Fully close the app..
  • Oopen ur game again go to lottery u will se ur free lottery again. Open that as it will show 9 lottery boxes don't do anything just press home button <don't fully close the app> and again open ur resumed app <by pressing!long home button and selecting ur game> u will see ur pause menu in game then fully close ur app.
  • Open ur game again and go to lottery u will see a dialogue box written <<bear in mind... big risk>> press continue and u will get ur another free bronze lottery again...

But in first four lottery::- u will get two guns (one riffle second shotgun) and gunner paint and jacket after that every time u will get 10000xp only. Repeat this process as many times as much u want xp will increase ur level and give u stars.
Be careful about pressing <continue> when dialogue box shows never press continue on dialogue box starts with <<playing lottery>> press continue on dialogue box starts with <<bears in mind>> Try it Good luck guys

Easy Money - Outlaw Camp Missions

The most easiest way to get lots of money and experience, is the Outlaw Camp missions. You can complete all the levels with Longshot Repeater 1887, if upgraded or not. You don't waste your money, if you fully upgrade it, tough. And, the moneystage. The last level will give you 750 gold, but you have to kill 55 of those knife-wielding women, and when you kill one of them, you gain 25 coins. So, actually, you get 2125 gold from mission 50! I have got a Demon Thrower, Witch Impaler, Impaler, Equalizer, Tesla Gun, Black Steam Horse, lots of upgrades and so on.. And now I'm getting the Flak Cannon! ;)

A good way to get what you want in the lottery

You go to lottery free bullet chest and this is what you do if you see the star(s) if there's a money choice and you want that press the one that has the star(s) and it'll switch to the money choice if you see a money choice and you think that you know where it is it will switch to the health choice if you choose the health one you'll see the that it switched to the potion choice if you choose the potion one it will switch to the ammo choice if you choose the ammo one it will switch to the star(s)! HOPE THIS HELPED IT DID TO ME!!!

Surviving on the mission 'Find the stranger's book'

Before entering the mission in prosperidad , notice that there is a shop named 'Beef ! Pork ! Lamb' in back of that shop there are barrels covered with planks, right side of those barrels there is one door. When you enter the mission run to the door and stick between the planks and door. If you will stick between the planks and the door , the witches wont be able to harm you They will just move here and there. It will be better if you dont shoot and let your partner do the work. NOTE - IT ONLY WORKS FOR WITCHES NOT FOR NIGHTWALKERS. NOTE - THE WITCHES WILL TRY TO MOVE YOU FROM THERE. But when you are moved a little bit also quickly run and stick with the door and planks because the witches can harm you if you are not at that position. NOTE-IF YOU WANT TO SHOOT, KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU DONT MOVE FRON THAT LOCATION.

Find a bear in the game easy and fast!

Ok so how to find a bear first off you need to be in Oregon and at Socorro town then go down till your at the point where there is two ways if you're coming from Socorro town (which you should be for it to work)Then go the left way where the sun shines brightest then go down till you get to the flatland. Go to the rock in the corner on your horse and face the rock you'll see a red dot after waiting a little that is the bear! P.s it is deadly and has a decent amount of strength so make sure your not coming in with a dragon revolver! I hope this will give you something fun to do.

Fast shooting tip

When you are shooting with a slow gun, e.g. tesla gun, shot guns, rail gun, or almost any medium-slow gun (fast and automatic guns like flamethrower and equalizers do not work with this tip), there are two tips to shoot faster.
1. First, take a shot. Either be ready, or have your finger near the zoom/aim button.
2. Almost imediately after your initial shot, zoom in and shoot.
If done correctly, both shots should be equal to at least twice as fast as the normal shot.
Note:For some guns like the tesla, this can be linked, and be done a multitude of times before stopping. Also, if you try to do this with an automatic/fast gun, the result will usually be slower than the original shot.
Second tip
This is a given for most experienced players and is only for beginners.
1. Take cover, behind a wall is suggested if possible
2. Shoot while behind cover. This will deal more damage, will ensureing that you take less damage.

Tips for mission of the mechanical nosferatu

In the mission to find the generator key, it is very difficult to defeat the mechanical nosferatu without a flamethrower or any other flame type weapons. But still we can defeat it using snowballs which damages it as much as a dual guns does to a normal demons or outlaws. All we have to do is turn on the auto aim. And in the mission we should carry money for both gun ammo and snowballs. While playing the mission we should let the device aim the demons. After all we have to do is move in a circular motion continuously and shoot it along with the snowballs. We should continue this process until the four demons die. It surely takes a lot of time but it is worth a try.
While finding the first generator key we should fight four mechanical nosferatu at wave 4.
While finding the second generator key we should fight four mecahnical nosferatu at both wave 3 and 4.
While finding the third generator key we should fight four mechanical nosferatu at wave 2,3 and 4.
After this there is a mission at Arizona. At this mission there is three waves of four mechanical nosferatu. After the wave, the professor comes with his flamethrower. Snowball is effective on him so are the guns but we should keep running in circles because his flame of his flamethrower is effective on us. Hope this helped you.

Getting health back in seconds

Guys if you want your health back in seconds try this:
When your playing the game and you health reaches too much low'

Tip to survive in king of the hill

Hi frinds, did you found that the surviving mission's like dead oak ambush and king of the hill are very hard because the of the timer. That's no problem whan you have a sniper rifle. WHAN ARE PLAYING ANY OF SURVIVING MISSION'S TAKE YOUR sniper rifle AND 'PRESS THE AIM (zoom) BUTTON. THATS ALL, YOUR DONE. even if the enimes shoot you, your health will not go. even the ladies who come with knifes want kill. enjoy

Unlimited ammo

There's some free ammo you can get in the Store after certain period of time (usually 4 hours) runs out. Change time on your device (iPhone, iPad) and set it forward by 4 hours and the game thinks that time has already past and you'll be able to get the ammo for free. Do it as many times as you need. Very helpful, especially when you need some extra ammo for you gun right now.

Playing levels which is done before

There are many glitches in this game. When you finish all levels of some missions you can play after. For example I finish all levels sister ingrids mine, but it contiune level 15 many times, Also save the princses mission continues last level. After defeating professor and helping the stranger, the game is too boring...

Tree cheat

On multiplayer six guns the dead stump on the red side you can get on the limb just keep running towards the limb.

Lottery unlimited times per day

If u go to it settings in the phone and skip a day u well get a free lottery every time u skip a day hope it helps u.

Wall glitch (multiplayer)

In multiplayer there is lots of wall to go into it so that no one can shoot you. Just move near the wall and do a v pad.

Infinity money and xp

Doing this cheat (V1.0.6) I bought the gatling anilator, demon thrower, witch impaler, doom bringers and impaler. DELETE your game. It sounds hard but do it. When you get to aspa hill and she says you have completed the tourtorial she gives you 150 gold and 20 xp. press the pause button and tap main menu. When it comes up to there tap single player. She say here is 150 gold and 20xp. Now go back to homepage and tap single player again and she gives you gold and xp

Wall (glitches)

In el matadero map in multiplayer on the red side you see the door by the red flag go take cover behind the flag and start aiming and switching guns at the same time and you keep doing that and your hiding and no one will see you so take out that sniper and start sniping.

Riding indoors

Go in Oregon then Socorro, go in Gem's saloon and go upstairs, go in the last room, where you'll find the t vampire tonic, then go to the far right corner and face the door. Now try calling your horse, if nothing happens, maybe you'll need to move around a bit. If you succeed, it will be like a horse simulator. It's REEAALLY rare, but I think it's pretty funnish.

Wall glitch

Go to the Blue base. Then go to that stack of hay. Go behind it and crouch down. And then zoom in and change your weapons at the same time. And then your behind the wall. NOTE: dont go to fast or your weapons will freeze!
Go to the Red Base. Go to the way to the entrance to the snipping spot or the bridge. Look at the red line. Go to it. Then the thing that you move with just move it up and you should be in the wall. NOTE: No one can get you while in the wall unless some one is in the wall with you.
Go to the red base. Stand right where the flag is then look to your left. Go there and take a right then go to the boxes. Then switch and zoom in at the same time until your in the wall. Then just stand up and your in!

Unlimited Stars and Health Glitch as of 8/1/13

This is a new kind of glitch that I have been working on for half a month now. It turned out to work perfectly on every device. Note that you can only get unlimited stars and health. Not gold or exp. Get yourself at least 20 stars from either leveling up or watch daily videos. Go into the lottery and open the gold chest. Once you have gotten a random item. No matter what it is, close the app immediately and on the App tray. Go switch to Airplane mode and change the date back 3 days. Now delete Six Guns app. Don't worry, your progress is safe once in Airplane mode. Even if it said to delete all data, it is completely safe to say yes.Next, switch the date back to normal and download Six Guns again. You should get free 20 stars and 20 health every time you open a golden chest. This glitch works perfectly fine for 6 persons that introduced it to. Whether you take the risk or not, it's your choice. Best luck to you. Hardcore_Glitch. Shh... I'm currently working on damage hack for Multiplayer. (Take the chance to do this glitch now because once Gameloft hear about this, it will go viral and will soon be patch.)

Easy Money in tutorial

After you complete the tutorial, open the map, select the next mission (don't go to it!), and then quit and then go back in Single Player and it will say you completed the tutorial again and you will get the money and experience again. (I got to level 23 using this glitch!)

Bullets dodging

In multiplayer if your one of those people with a bad gun and low health and also die instently then here's something that will help you. Go behind the stand on el matadero and go to the far corner. (either one) then stay their when a enemy fires a bullet at you he will miss. The only flaw is that if they have a flamethrower or a plasma gun it WILL kill you, FYI they only dodge bullets. If you read this and it helped you my gamecenter name is gautum360.

Messed up but cool on horse

It works at grand canion and the cemetery that your wife was buried you make you're horse sprint then while sprinting dismount the horse then when you roll when you get up you'll be in the house or building.

Necropolis multiplayer cheat

On sixguns multiplayer there is a map called necropolis if you join a game of necropolis go to the blue side and take cover on one of the pillars near the sand then walk into it then once your partly in it roll to get you fully in the wall.A good thing about this that you can walk on to the sand, you can shoot the other people on top of you then you and can walk into the stairs but that doesn't always work.

Wall Glitch (Single Player)

Ride a horse and go to Oregon. Make your horse jump to a cliff (to make this possible, check the place if there are obstacles close to a cliff). Then when your horse is stuck at the cliff, go down from the horse and you will go through the cliff. There's a few chances your character will be stuck on a falling animation but the other chances are to make you walk around inside but you can't make your horse go there.

Canyon wall glitch

First your should go to the front side where all the houses or shop kinds of things will be there next you should go to a place like a counter of a shop or something then roll on that place a little and then there you go inside a wall and you can see everyone and shoot everyone but the people outside can't see you nor shoot you so there you go get your kill streaks by that way.

Wall glitch that can help you kill easier in their base

Here is how you do it, if you're on el matadero, go to the red base and get in one of those two big wooden doors near the flag. Although people can see you but bullet cannot damage you. If you're on blue team then you're lucky because you get to hunt them down in there base.

Neat, Useless Glitch

When you are in Gem's Saloon in Soccoro Town, go to the second floor and stand near the door where the bed with the anti-vampire tunic on it is. Call your horse. Your horse will come but will be in a suspended jumping position. Once your horse is there, dismount. You will go right through the wall and be in a suspended falling position. You can move around and it will be as if you are hovering. This is completely useless as you cannot fire your gun, but it's amusing for a short period of time. Send me a friend request! My name is CountryGirl14991

Magic moving and invincible horse

This glitch allows you to have a horse that moves by itself and and sort of repels cheetahs. What you have to do is go to the Grand Canyon in Arizona and ride your horse up along side it. You must then press the horse's sprint button and while it's sprinting crash into the invisible wall thing to stop you from falling into the canyon then dismount your horse quickly. You will fall of the horse and start to roll but the horse will be just moving by itself not even using the walking animation. You can still get on the horse and it will still move by itself but beware the horse will sometimes make you go flying back as if he had run over you. If you go near a cheetah while you are on the horse he will not harm you only try to come near you but then walk away and try again. Once I did this glitch and half of the world didn't load up it might not of been the glitch but still be careful when you are doing the glitch. It might take a few tries to get this working but it will work eventually.

Make your horse float fast

First sit on your horse and find any side wall from where your horse will not go far. When you are on your horse tap the sprinting button and press the 'get down from your button twice and then follow your horse and sit back on it, it will float fast. NOTE : Only works for free roam, not for races xD

Falling of the bridge

Have u ever wanted to fall of the bridge in Oregon? Now u can ! When u leave the tunnel cross the bridge and on your left side there will be a rock. Get on that rock by rolling and u will eventually be above the gap and then gravity will start to work and u will fall. While u r falling u can do a front flip or watch the player kiss the ground. Enjoy !


Google Play Achievements

To unlock the following Google Play Achievements, complete the following tasks:

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
A Race around SocorroComplete the last mission of Socorro race.
Angel of DeathKill 5,000 enemies.
Arizona Rescue TeamComplete the last level in the Ranch Dungeon.
Bad Boys, Bad BoysComplete the last Outlaw Camp quest.
Bronze-Medal BroncoFinish a Weekly Tournament in 3rd Place.
Buying with BenjaminsBuy something with Sheriff Stars.
Chicken God AcolyteComplete the Chicken God Totems quest.
Circus BoyComplete the last mission of Jama-Jama.
Collateral DamageKill an enemy with a Crucificator and die in the same explosion.
DeadeyeKill 20 enemies with a rifle in Multiplayer.
Deadeye 2Kill 50 enemies with a rifle in Multiplayer.
Deadeye 3Kill 100 enemies with a rifle in Multiplayer.
Death Is Not the EndDie once.
Demon Hunter IReach level 15.
Demon Hunter IIReach level 25.
Demon Hunter IIIReach level 40.
Demon Hunter IVReach level 50.
DestroyerWin a match with the highest number of kills.
Digging DeeperComplete 'Of Claws and Fangs' to end Chapter Two.
Don't Stop the MusicKill the pianist at Socorro's Saloon.
End of the LineComplete the Storyline
Excellent CustomerBuy all weapons.
ExecutionerWin 5 Team Deathmatches.
Executioner 2Win 50 Team Deathmatches.
Executioner 3Win 150 Team Deathmatches.
Eye of the BeholderKill 50 gargoyles.
Fort DeathComplete the last quest in Fort Malanoche.
GadgeteerFully upgrade 5 weapons.
Gold! More Gold!Obtain 50,000 coins.
Head HunterTake out 3 enemies with headshots in Multiplayer.
Heavily Armed CavalryKill 10 enemies using the scythe while riding a horse.
Helping HandKill 20 enemies with a handgun in Multiplayer.
Helping Hand 2Kill 50 enemies with a handgun in Multiplayer.
Helping Hand 3Kill 100 enemies with a handgun in Multiplayer.
Herd AttackComplete the 31st mission of the Cemetery Catacombs.
In Good CompanyFinish a Weekly Tournament in the top 10.
Judge Six-GunsKill one outlaw of each kind.
KA-BOOM!Kill 5 enemies with a single crucificator explosion.
Keep Sending Monsters!Complete the last mission of Fort Ghost.
King of KingsComplete the last quest in King of the Hill.
Legend of the Wild WestFinish a Weekly Tournament in 1st Place.
LightspeedComplete the last Los Arcos race.
Lone RangerVisit Oregon.
Lord of That ThingComplete the last Freeman Fort quest.
Malanoche MayhemComplete 'They Came from Malanoche!' to end Chapter One.
Massive Cave KillingComplete the last mission of Pond Dungeon.
Master FraggerPerform 10 deadly headshots in a row.
Mess MakerKill 20 enemies with a shotgun in Multiplayer.
Mess Maker 2Kill 50 enemies with a shotgun in Multiplayer.
Mess Maker 3Kill 100 enemies with a shotgun in Multiplayer.
Natural Born KillerKill 500 enemies.
Notches on Your GunKill 5 enemies in Team Deathmatch.
Notches on Your Gun 2Kill 50 enemies in Team Deathmatch.
Notches on Your Gun 3Kill 150 enemies in Team Deathmatch.
OutlawReach the minimum goal of a Weekly Tournament.
Population: ZeroKill 16 civilians at Socorro OR 16 civilians at Prosperidad.
Professional Dungeon CrawlerComplete the last mission of the Cemetery Catacombs.
Quick TriggerKill 1,000 enemies in Multiplayer.
Run for the Hills!Kill 250 innocent civilians.
Shooting Gallery PrizeComplete the last mission of Shooting Gallery.
ShowstopperKill the flag carrier.
Silver-Medal GunslingerFinish a Weekly Tournament in 2nd Place.
Special DeliveryBring an enemy flag to your base 10 times.
Special Delivery 2Bring an enemy flag to your base 20 times.
Special Delivery 3Bring an enemy flag to your base 30 times.
Stop Getting Kidnapped!Complete the last Save the Princess quest.
Straight to HellKill one demon of each type.
Stronghold KeeperComplete the last Town Supplies quest.
Target ExterminatorComplete the last Devil's Garden quest OR the last Shooting Race quest.
The BeastSuccessfully kill the Beast.
The Bigger They Are...Kill a Giant Werewolf.
The Bone OrchardKill 10 enemies in one Multiplayer Match.
The Bone Orchard 2Kill 15 enemies in one Multiplayer Match.
The Bone Orchard 3Kill 25 enemies in one Multiplayer Match.
The Fast WayBuy the Gigantic experience point pack.
The Gates of HellComplete the last mission of the Gates of Hell.
To Sleep, Perchance to DreamComplete both dreamcatcher missions.
Tonic DrinkerComplete the Anti-Vampire Tonic quest.
Too Hardcore to LiveKill your own horse.
Top of the CropFinish a Weekly Tournament in the top 100.
Top of the Food ChainKill one animal of each kind.
Twisted MeaningKill a beaver using the Impaler.
UnderdogKill 10 enemies with a higher level than your own.
Underdog 2Kill 30 enemies with a higher level than your own.
Underdog 3Kill 50 enemies with a higher level than your own.
UntouchableFinish a match without dying.
VeteranPlay in 5 multiplayer matches.
Veteran 2Play in 30 multiplayer matches.
Veteran 3Play in 50 multiplayer matches.
Wasting AmmoFire 10,000 shots and miss.
Western 101Complete the tutorial mission.
Where No Man Has Gone BeforeTravel 15 km.
Witch HunterComplete the Stranger's last quest.
Witch Will CryBuy the Witch Impaler.

Game Walkthroughs

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Bandit map pieces?

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Wanted dead or alive?

Six Guns Game Download

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