What Is An Egg Slot

Cage-free hard cooked eggs and thinly sliced chives mixed in honey mustard aioli with dressed arugula in a warm brioche bun GAUCHO. Seared wagyu tri-tip steak, cage-free over medium egg, chimichurri, red onions and dressed arugula in a warm brioche bun.

  1. What Is An Egg White
  2. What Is An Egg Switch
  3. What Is An Egg Sitter
< Commands
First introduced

Java Edition 1.8 (14w26a)
PE 1.0.5 (PE alpha

Replaces items in the inventories of blocks (chest, furnaces, etc.) or entities (players or mobs) with the given item(s).

  • Java Edition
replaceitem block <x> <y> <z> <slot> <item> [amount]
replaceitem entity <selector> <slot> <item> [amount]
  • Bedrock Edition
replaceitem block <position: x y z> slot.container <slotId: int> <itemName: Item> [amount: int] [data: int] [components: json]
replaceitem entity <target: target> <slotType: EntityEquipmentSlot> <slotId: int> <itemName: Item> [amount: int] [data: int] [components: json]
x y z (BE: position: x y z) (block mode only)
Specifies the position of the block to be modified. May use tilde notation to specify a position relative to the command's execution.
selector (BE: target: target) (entity mode only)
Specifies one or more entities to modify. Must be a player name or target selector.
slot (BE: slotType: EntityEquipmentSlot and slotId: int)
Specifies the inventory slot to be modified. Valid values depend on whether a block or an entity is being modified.
For blocks, must be container.slot_number (BE: slot.container <slotId: int>) where slot_number or slotId: int is replaced with a number specifying the slot.
  • Chests, dispensers, droppers, hoppers, and trapped chests are numbered 0 for the top-left slot and then increase first horizontally, then vertically (so, for example, a chest's top row slots are numbered 0 to 8 from left to right). Double chests and double trapped chests are treated as two single container blocks.
  • A brewing stand's bottom slots are numbered 0 to 2 from left to right, its top slot is 3 and the fuel slot is 4.
  • A furnace's slots are numbered 0 for the input slot, 1 for the fuel slot, and 2 for the output slot.
Other blocks which hold items but don't have inventory GUIs (flower pots and jukeboxes) can only be changed with /data.
For entities, must be one of the following, where slot_number is replaced with a number specifying the slot:
SlotSlot NumbersRestrictions
armor.chestarmor stands, mobs, and players only (though not all mobs will show or make use of the items)
container.slot_number[Java Edition only]0–53players and minecarts only
(BE: slot.enderchest <slotId: int>)
0–26players only
(BE: slot.hotbar <slotId: int>)
(BE: slot.inventory <slotId: int>)
0–26item frames (slot 0) and players only
(BE: slot.saddle <slotId: int>)
horses, donkeys, and mules only; item must be a saddle
horse.chest[Java Edition only]donkeys, and mules only; item must be a chest
(BE: slot.armor)
horses and llamas only; item must be a type of horse armor (if a horse) or a carpet (if a llama)
(BE: slot.chest <slotId: int>)
0–14donkeys and mules with chests only
villager.slot_number[Java Edition only]0–7villagers only
item (BE: itemName: Item)
Specifies the item to be placed in the block or entity's inventory slot. Must be an item id, or a block id for which an item exists (for example, minecraft:golden_sword).
What is an egg clutch
amount (BE: amount: int) (optional)
Specifies the number of items to be placed in the block or entity's inventory slot. Must be between 1 and 64 (inclusive), even for items with a smaller stack size.
data (BE: data: int) (optional)‌[Bedrock Edition only]
Specifies the item data for the item(s) to be placed in the block or entity's inventory slot. Must be an integer between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive, without the commas), but values which are invalid for the specified item id will default to 0. If not specified, defaults to 0.
components: json (optional)‌[Bedrock Edition only]
Like DataTags but only supports CanPlaceOn and CanDestroy functions (for example, replaceitem entity @s slot.weapon.mainhand 0 iron_shovel 1 0 {'minecraft:can_destroy':{'blocks':['grass']}})
Fails if the arguments are not specified correctly, if the specified block is not a container, if selector fails to resolve to one or more entities (named players must be online), or if none of the targeted entities have the specified slot (for example, zombies don't have horse.armor).
On success, replaces the items in the specified slot with the specified items (previous items in that slot are lost) wherever possible.
To replace the items in the bottom-right slot of a single chest one block above with four spruce saplings:
replaceitem block ~ ~1 ~ container.26 minecraft:sapling 4 1
To replace the items in the rightmost hotbar slot of the nearest player with four spruce saplings:
replaceitem entity @p hotbar.8 minecraft:sapling 4 1


What Is An Egg White

Java Edition
1.814w26aAdded /replaceitem.
1.1418w43a/replaceitem can now be used on item frames.
Pocket Edition
1.0.5alpha /replaceitem.
1.1.0alpha and CanDestroy functions are now supported for /replaceitem.

See also[edit]

What Is An Egg Switch

/blockdata — can also replace items in a container
/entitydata — can also replace items in a mob's inventory, or modify the drop chances of armor and weapons
/give — give items to players without specifying specific inventory slots or overwriting other items

What Is An Egg Sitter

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